
Retirement Party

A Retirement Story: From Someone Who’s Been There

Dr. David Ekerdt is a former professor who spent his career studying retirement as a sociology and gerontology specialist. In an essay written for the Wall Street Journal titled “I Spent 44…
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Embrace the Pivot: An Interview with Brandi M. Hobbs, Owner, First Call Fractional

After working for most of her career for law firms, in 2023, Brandi Hobbs founded a consulting business that serves law firm, First Call Fractional. Brandi helps lawyers find the…
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Street sign of Moselle and Murdaugh representing the Murdaugh murder mystery

What Do The South Carolina Murdaugh Murders Have To Do With Your Trust Account?

On November 28, 2023, Alex Murdaugh was sentenced to 27 years in South Carolina state prison for the confessed crimes of stealing millions of dollars over the course of a…
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Tom Lenfestey, Owner of The Law Practice Exchange

How to Sell Your Law Practice: An Interview With Tom Lenfestey, Owner Of The Law Practice Exchange

In July, 2023, Tom Lenfestey was interviewed on The Lawyer Millionaire Podcast, hosted by Darren Wurz, with Wurz Financial Services. Below are highlights from Tom’s interview. To listen to the…
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Group of executives analyzing firm finances.

Are Your Firm Finances Ready for 2024?

The end of the year is barreling towards us – are you ready? If not, here are a few tips for tidying up the financial side of your law practice.…
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A young, solo attorney with blurred legal books behind her.

Good and Bad News for Solo Lawyers

I’ve recently returned from the 2023 Clio Cloud Conference. This was the 11th conference and I started attending in year 3 – so it’s my 9th event. I am a raving fan…
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Office employees meeting on online video chat

Attorney Compensation Trends: How Proactive Law Firms Can Respond

By Camille Stell The pandemic has spurred rapid changes in the legal workforce, and the trends we’re seeing are unlikely to dissipate any time soon. Compensation is no longer just…
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A confident, middle-age female with a blurred background

A Few Thoughts on Retirement Age

A recent survey from Natixis Investment Managers identified when Americans hope to stop working. The average age is 62, but the survey also showed that retirement plans varied by generation. Baby Boomers, who range in age from 57 to 75, indicate they plan to work longer with an average retirement age of 68.
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Stylish Female Industrial Robotics Engineer Uses Laptop Computer

Law Firm Buying & Selling Trends

The market for buying and selling law firms continues to grow. Established firms and attorneys are looking for succession or sale due to attorney retirement, labor needs, and changing marketplace…
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Creating a Team Environment

Teamwork is a lesson we learn as children either through organized sports or impromptu games in the schoolyard. Often, as we get older and move through college and law school,…
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Financial Tips for Preparing for Retirement

Pay down debt. As you approach retirement, you don’t want debt to stand in the way of your future. The snowball method of debt reduction allows you to see wins…
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Paid Time Off Increased Productivity

Paid Time Off (PTO) is an important benefit that companies and businesses offer for employees but how can you make this incentive work for your firm as well?  PTO as…
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